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Monday, December 05, 2011 @ 9:17 PM

i wonder why i have visitors from all over the world? o.O


im bored. i have an assignment to do. but what's wrong with me? i kinda feel frustrated


im nervous about this coming wednesday. lets hope for the best.


my mind just went BLANK. i dunno what im supposed to do. crap.

mimpi dipatuk ular
Thursday, October 27, 2011 @ 8:34 PM

yest was Deepavali! so parents came to kl to see me. <3
then at night when it was only me n mum in the hotel room;

me: mak, mak tau klw mimpi kene patuk ular makne die ape? (trying to test if my mum knows)
mak: (immediately) nak kawen!
me: *chuckles*
mak: knp?? sape mimpi??
me: *laughs*
mak: kau mimpi?
me: a'ah.. hahaha
mak: adoiii.. ade org nk berkenalan ke? =.= (mak da stress xD)
me: takdelaahhh...

kekeke yes i had a dream kene patuk dgn ular. very random kan. so i randomly asked my friend abt this and she said "oh ade org nk masuk minang" i was like hahahah abe tetibe die kate "serious lahh". den mcm "oh? hahhahaa" so aft tt i actually googled abt it. n it says tt smtg like tk lame lg kawen ke ape la.. lol.

but apapepun kite tk sepatutnye bace tafsir2 mimpi sume kan cuz same je macam meramalkan which is prohibited. (which i did cuz i was too curious) hehe. but apapepun, mak dun worry k. i'll try my best to stay single until i graduate. that's what i want for myself. cuz for me, leceh klw da attached ni sume, nnt mengganggu pelajaran.. so i have to take care of myself. jage hati jage diri jage iman ok ned. jodoh pertemuan di tangan Allah :)
wallahu a'lam.

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when the clock strikes 12...
Monday, October 17, 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Happy turning 20
Dear Me.

Ya Allah, kabulkanlah doaku...


cukuplah aku mencintai dalam diam ♥
Sunday, October 16, 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Kalau kita sukakan seseorang,
jangan beritahu si dia.
Nanti Allah kurangkan rasa cinta padanya
Tapi luahkan pada Allah,
beritahulah Allah.
Allah Maha mengetahui siapa jodoh kita ..

Cintai Dia Dalam Diam,
Dari Kejauhan Dengan Kesederhanaan & Keikhlasan

Jika benar cinta itu kerana ALLAH maka biarkanlah ia mengalir mengikut aliran ALLAH kerana hakikatnya ia berhulu dari ALLAH maka ia pun berhilir hanya kepada ALLAH
"Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat kebesaran ALLAH."
(Adz Dzariyat : 49)

Tetapi jika kelemahan masih nyata dipelupuk mata maka bersabarlah, berdoalah & berpuasalah
"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji.
Dan suatu jalan yang buruk."
(Al Israa' : 32 )

Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang,
Allah SWT mempunyai Cinta dan Kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya & Dia telah menciptakan sseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak.
Ketika kau merasa bahawa kau mencintai seseorang,
namun kau tahu cintamu tak terbalas
Allah SWT tahu apa yang ada di depanmu & Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu

Cukup cintai dalam diam
bukan kerana membenci hadirnya
tetapi menjaga kesuciannya
bukan kerana menghindari dunia
tetapi meraih syurga-NYA
bukan kerana lemah untuk menghadapinya
tetapi menguatkan jiwa dari godaan syaitan yang begitu halus & menyelusup

Cukup cintai dari kejauhan
kerana hadirmu tiada kan mampu menjauhkan dari ujian
kerana hadirmu hanya akan menggoyahkan iman dan ketenangan
kerana mungkin membawa kelalaian hati-hati yang terjaga

Cukup cintai dengan kesederhanaan
Memupuknya hanya akan menambah penderitaan
menumbuhkan harapan hanya akan membumbui kebahagiaan para syaitan

Cintailah dengan keikhlasan
Kerana tentu kisah Fatimah dan Ali Bin Abi Talib diingini oleh hati
tetapi sanggupkah jika semua berakhir seperti sejarah cinta Salman Al Farisi..??
".. boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu.
ALLAH mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
(Al Baqarah : 216 )

Jangan memberi harapan pada yang belum pasti,
kelak ada insan yang bakal dilukai,
Jangan menaruh harapan pada yang belum tentu dimiliki,
nanti hati yang kecewa sendiri.
gantunglah segenap pengharapanmu kepada Yang Maha Memberi,
nescaya dirimu tak sesekali dizalimi,
kerana Dia mendengar pengharapanmu setiap kali & Dia menunaikannya dgn cara-Nya yang tersendiri

Cukup cintai dalam diam dari kejauhan dengan kesederhaan & keikhlasan
Kerana tiada yang tahu rencana Tuhan
mungkin saja rasa ini ujian yang akan melapuk atau membeku dengan perlahan

Kerana hati ini begitu mudah untuk dibolak-balikkan
serahkan rasa itu pada Yang Memberi dan Memilikinya
biarkan DIA yang mengatur semuanya hingga keindahan itu datang pada waktunya
"Barangsiapa yang menjaga kehormatan orang lain, pasti kehormatan dirinya akan terjaga."
(Umar Bin Khattab ra)

If you really love her, you won’t touch her.
Not even the slightest bit.
You’ll protect her dignity and sacredness as a muslimah.
Just hold her in your heart for a few more years ..
then you can do it the halal way

“Sesiapa sahaja yang memberi kerana Allah, menolak kerana Allah, mencintai kerana Allah,membenci kerana Allah & menikah kerana Allah, maka bererti ia telah sempurna imannya.”
(HR. Al-Hakim)


Sem 1 2011/2012
@ 12:58 AM

السلام عليكم

Hehe ok I'm bored. actually I'm very very tired but I don't feel like going to bed now. (and it's 1am already). hurhur.. just want to share what have been happening this semester even though I blogged about some unnecessary stuffs on my previous previous post.

So, today! We're done with our theory lessons! (together with Rhy & Fiza) yeehaa.. we'll get out 'L' license soon then we can continue with our practical! wuhuu can't wait to get my hands on the steering wheel.. and of course DRIVING. :D

So right after our workshop theory class, we went to Ong Tai Kim, as I wanted to buy PVC flooring for my room.. because I'm the only one (in the room) without the flooring and my feet hurts walking on toilet tiles. -.- but anyways! so happy to see the slight makeover to my room. keke. and as usual, I picked a neutral color. haha :)

And while I'm still on the "Room" topic. Let me introduce you my old and new roommates. hahah. The "old" one is of course Ms Basiel aka Rhy :p The other two are Malaysians. Ayu from Pahang is in her 3rd year, majoring in Economics.. while Kak Iza from Gombak is in her 4rd 4th year, majoring in Law. They're nice people except that we didn't communicate much with each other but it's slowly getting better. And what I like about us is that we're taking different courses :)

What else? Tomorrow is 17th October :)
Goodnight fellow readers.

p/s: i wonder what surprise awaits me . . .


Bisikan Malam
Friday, October 14, 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Bila ku didatangi malam
Gelora perasaan mencengkam dijiwa
Masihkah ada lagi
Dayaku menghindar dari kealpaan

Diterjah berbagai persoalan
Dihujani airmata penyesalan
Bisakah terhapus semua
Segala dosa-noda yang bertakhta

Terangi jalan hidupku
Dengan cahaya kasih Mu
Pimpinlah daku dengan hidayah Mu

Di malam syahdu ku merayu
Ampunilah segala dosaku yang lalu
Sujud ku mendambakan keredhaan Mu
Tempatkan daku di dalam rahmat Mu

Usah Kau biarkan diri ku
Hanyut terleka, di jiwa dunia membelenggu
Dan aku sesungguhnya pasrah pada Mu
Hidup matiku hanyalah untuk Mu

Ya Allah tunjukkan jalan kebenaran
Suburkan jiwa ku dengan keimanan
Hanya pada Mu Oh Tuhan
Ku sandarkan harapan


Thursday, October 13, 2011 @ 5:00 PM

currently at the library..
i overslept this morning. buruk kan? :(
and it's Mass Communication class ok.
freaked out when i opened my eyes and the clock shows 9AM sharp.
and it turned out that rhy overslept too.. haha
idk why but my body felt so tired since the last two days.
but anyways i went to the clinic and gave some excuses and i got an MC! *phew*
or else mdm nury will kill me.
hmm hmm..
so im taking 5 subjects this semester and i have 4 assignments in queue.
and im currently working on Ahadith Ahkam assignment.
i forgot what's the term but its like you have to listen to the vid & type what the speaker said word by word. its not an easy task especially when you have to type in arabic. what's more? its a 50mins video k. *faints*

im done blabbering.

.. i wish i could turn back time..
when you're alone, that's when you'll think about so many things..
that it feels like your heart and mind are about to explode..
uncertainty. Rabbi yassirli...

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featuring aLwan!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 @ 12:38 PM

salaam ~
hee i suddenly feel like posting about my kawan color-color..

apebende aLwan2 ni?
basically aLwan is an association build up by a group of alumni from Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah (S407). The assosiation is build up for a purpose, that is to get the youths (girls esp) and themselves to be much closer and to learn more about Islam in different colors.
Which is why our tagline is: Reaching YOU(th) in different colors.
(Credits to Nana for the description) :p

they're my friends whom i grew up with for 10 years. actually after Sec 4 i didn't keep in contact that much with most of them.. i only meet the same ppl all the time (u know who you guys are haha).. but to finally have a succesful event cum reunion.. it makes me really really happy.. as it has been 4 years already since our graduation.. how time flies kan? sob sob.. so i would like to dedicate a special thanks to Zar for bringing up the idea and together we finally make it come true. without teamwork, our first girls' night cum reunion won't happen. =')

Zar & Kina.. sorry if im not doing a good job as a secretary.. i'll try to improve myself for our following events k..
to HODs & Deputies.. thanks for all your hardwork.. sorry if i didn't help much during our previous event..
to members of aLwan.. continue supporting us and pls spread the word! ;)

thank you Allah for giving me these wonderful friends. may our friendship last forever. uhibbukum fillah S407/aLwan ♥

-much love,
noned aka tangan panjang & charcoal girl. :)



Quwais ;; 진재
Cats & Kpop ♥


Afifah Khairunnisa Qurratu Rafidah Sakinah Syirul Ummi Zunairah

Amin Arab Farahin Hady Hasanah Mfr PU2'09 Radhiah Rhy Syafiqah Zakiah Tamliikhaa

Abg Wan Kak Hannah

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